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Today we depend on the time given by the clock. An
invention to give structure and safety, but does that really
help? Or aren’t we in the end more stressed with it than
We allow ourselves to be timed by a fictitious construct.
The aime of this website is to break free from learned
structures and parameters and to show that there is some-
thing else. The event time.
The event time exist since the beginning of humanity but
we forgot about it, because we are to busy chasing the
clock. So take your time and experience within three inter-
active visualizations, different aspects of the event time.
The goal is to reach the event time.
A space where everything is possible and there is
nothing that times and clocks you.
So take your time and break free from known structures!
All blue elements are interactive.
Hover, click and give it time to get
to the next visualization.
= hints
Turn on the audio guide for more
additional information.
= audio guide OFF
= audio guide ON
The goal is to break free from known time
structures and to experience event time.
But the biggest rule is, take your time and
don’t let the clock time you!